Fostering innovation through community.


Founded in 2014, The Society for Construction Solutions (SCS) is on a mission to support construction professionals in employing solutions to the unique challenges of their projects.

The SCS Catalyst website was launched in 2017 to support our Chapter Leaders, who organize regular local and online events to support vendors who bring new solutions to the construction industry.

In 2021, SCS decided to evolve its mission to “support construction professionals employing technology solutions” — as the industry is in a time of solution abundance, compared to the solution scarcity in 2014. To that end, SCS is working towards launching a “Construction Technologist Professional Certificate” with a university.



Find out about our organization, mission, our methods, and the results of our decades of advocacy.


Find out the location of each chapter and who leads them.

A framework and common language for process improvement teams.


  • A place for entrepreneurs to find their early employees, early adopters, advisors, and investors.

  • A place for industry professionals to find a competitive advantage for their company.

  • A place for researchers to find partners and maintain perspective on the industry they serve.

  • Over 4,000 members.

  • Regular attendance at each chapter meeting ranging from 20 to 100+ people.

  • A strong sense of community and value for the resources invested.

It is an exciting time for built world professionals.
Many of the construction industry’s productivity challenges are a result of solution scarcity, and technology has recently advanced to the point of addressing the unique challenges of construction projects.
— Curtis Rodgers, SCS Founder & President